
Balers boost sustainability: Sealy’s 19-year commitment
with Mil-tek endures

Sealy, a renowned Australian manufacturer of bedding and foundation products, operates across five plants in Australia, one in New Zealand, and several internationally.


This case story highlights Sealy’s nearly two-decade partnership with Mil-tek, showcasing their commitment to sustainability and efficiency using older versions of the A305 and A509 balers.

Sealy: 19 years of efficient waste management with Mil-tek balers

“We have a huge focus on sustainability and reusing products where we can in the circular economy, and our cooperation with Mil-tek allows us to manage our waste better.”

Watch the case video with manufacturing engineer at Sealy’s, Josh Sturgess.

Lean manufacturing transforms 133 tons of waste annually

In an industry known for significant waste production, Sealy relies on an efficient waste management system to handle large volumes of soft plastics, cardboard, and textiles effectively.

At their Queensland bedding plant alone, Sealy processes 26 tons of waste annually, primarily soft plastics, using Mil-tek balers. Globally, this figure reaches an impressive 133 tons per year.

Continius improvement and Lean manufacturing

As a production company, Sealy emphasizes Lean principles and continuous improvement. They aim to eliminate waste in both materials and processes, such as time and labor movements.

Sealy is deeply committed to sustainability, actively participating in the circular economy by reusing products whenever possible.

The durability of Mil-tek balers at Sealy

Sealy utilizes a variety of Mil-tek balers in their waste management system to compact waste materials, making them easier to recycle. This approach enhances both environmental stewardship and operational efficiency.

“We’ve had Mil-tek balers for 19 years,
and they’ve just been… unreal…”

The investment in Mil-tek machines has proven its worth repeatedly over the past 19 years. Two of Sealy’s seven machines have been operational for this entire period, consistently performing with minimal downtime. These old models are no longer in production, but they correspond to the current Mil-tek models A305 and A509.

When issues occasionally occur, Mil-tek’s prompt servicing ensures that the machines are quickly back in operation, minimizing disruptions to Sealy’s activities.

Turning waste streams into profit streams

In Queensland, Sealy’s waste management strategy is further enhanced by Infinity, a Mil-tek waste sorting system designed to segregate waste at the source into various streams.

At each workstation, staff meticulously sort all types of waste into designated streams.

The precise segregation with Infinity enables Sealy to recycle all waste effectively, transforming every waste stream into a profit stream. What once incurred costs for removal now generates revenue through processing and compacting with balers, benefiting Sealy both environmentally and financially.

Streamlining waste management safely

Mil-tek machines are designed with safety as a priority, and Sealy staff receive comprehensive training to ensure operations run smoothly and safely.

Sealy’s commitment to continuous improvement and Lean manufacturing principles aligns perfectly with Mil-tek’s ethos. Both companies focus on eliminating waste, not just in terms of materials but also in the time and labor associated with waste processing. This synergy has streamlined Sealy’s workflows significantly.

A model of sustainability: Sealy and Mil-tek’s continued partnership

The partnership between Sealy and Mil-tek is a testament to what companies can achieve with a commitment to sustainable practices and innovative solutions. For nearly two decades, this collaboration has helped Sealy manage waste efficiently and set an industry benchmark for environmental responsibility.

Confirms cost-benefit viability of Mil-tek balers

Over the years, Sealy has repeatedly confirmed the cost-benefit viability of using Mil-tek balers, reinforcing their decision to continue this successful partnership. Together, Sealy and Mil-tek have pioneered innovative waste management practices that enhance Sealy’s sustainability and contribute positively to their bottom line. This cooperation has allowed Sealy to manage waste more effectively, becoming more environmentally conscious. And, as Josh Sturgess establish: “We will continue to work together.”

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